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Our Philanthropy Program

food bank
Alameda County Food Bank

Alleviates hunger by providing nutritious food and nutrition education to people in need, educating the public and promoting public policies that address hunger and its root causes.

child abuse

Bay Area Crisis Nursery

Prevents abuse and neglect of children by providing support to families who are in stress or crisis. They provide a warm, loving, homelike environment for children birth through five years of age by offering 24 hour residential care.


DrawBridge – an arts program for homeless children

Provides art programs for homeless children in an environment that foster their sense of childhood joy, creativity and exuberance. Beyond that we strive to promote the well-being and stability of family by creating a supportive community.

The Down Syndrome Connection

Seeks to optimize the quality of life for individuals with Down Syndrome by offering dirct services to them and their caregivers, and by educating the general public about the special concerns and unique contributions of the Down Syndrome community.


Diablo Valley Foundation for the Aging

Provide vital services to aging persons who are at risk because they are alone, isolated, pressed by financial problems, or are confused. Preventing inappropriate institutionalization of elders and enabling them to live with optimal independence and freedom.

Tri-Valley Animal Shelter

Strives to encourage kindness and understanding of human beings towards animals through education. Acquires unwanted domestic pet animals, and places these animals in suitable homes so that they may not be needlessly destroyed or sold for animal experimentation.

animal shelter
Shepherd’s Gate

Provide a safe haven for women and their children who are homeless because of abusive relationships, addictions, loss of financial support and other factors.

Child Abuse Prevention of Contra Costa

Strives to prevent child abuse in Contra Costa County through coordination of services, information sharing, public education and advocacy.

Kaiser Permanente Medical Foundation

Helps all people recognize that fear will not defeat or prevent disease and to assist individuals to become aware that survival and prevention are dependent upon their taking charge of their own health.

Hope Hospice of California

Provides compassionate, quality end-of-life care and grief support to patients and families. When medical science can no longer add days to life, what matters is the quality of life that can be added to each day.