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Thelemaque and Synergy Construction Company Sponsors Food Drive for the Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano counties

Thelemaque and Synergy Construction Company Sponsors

Food Drive for the Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano counties

Lafayette – Carolynn Thelemaque of Tucker Associates Real Estate Services and Greg Schulz, owner of Synergy Construction Company teamed up to sponsor a food drive and Toys for Tots Toy donation drive attended and supported by clients, friends and neighbors; collecting non-perishable food items, toys and cash donations.

Joan Tomasini of the Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano says, “The need is greater than ever and the food collected will go a long way. Greg and Carolynn collected 3 barrels of food which will feed approximately 200 families in need. Carolynn Thelemaque says, “this is our 7th year working with the food bank. Greg and I are excited to be of service to the community at large and value the relationships of our customers, clients and friends who so graciously gave to this great cause.” To thank their guests for their generous donations, the dynamic team of Thelemaque and Schulz hosted a holiday party at Massimo’s restaurant in Walnut Creek.

“I am very proud of Carolynn and Greg for their initiative to organize and collaborate with their team. Our community is brimming with helpful hands. Carolynn and Greg have the energy, enthusiasm and most importantly, the leadership abilities to bring people together to help make a difference for those less fortunate this fall. It warms my heart to be associated with Carolynn and her team,” says Nicole Tucker of Tucker Associates Real Estate Services. Carolynn is one of Tucker Associates most productive agents, yet finds time lead the charge for those in need this season. Tucker Associates, made up of a select group of real estate professionals, operates by the words once spoken by Margaret Mead, “Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has”.

Carolynn Thelemaque is a licensed real estate professional serving Alameda and Contra Costa counties. She can be reached at (925) 360-9907. Greg Schulz, Owner of Synergy Construction serves both commercial and residential clients in Alameda, Contra Costa and San Francisco counties. He can be reached at (925) 299-8888.

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